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Headshot of me with long hair, pink lip stick, light makeup Kara Babcock

Kara’s Blog

Read my thoughts going back 18 years.

Showing 31 to 40 of 677 results

  1. Intersectionality means I can’t separate my whiteness from my transness, nor can I ignore how the privilege the former identity grants me moderates the marginalization of the latter identity. We white trans people need to do better at acknowledging this.
  2. Cover image for The audacity of coming out

    The audacity of coming out


    The transphobic narrative is a lie. Let’s spend more time talking about how awesome it is to finally be yourself.
  3. Cover image for One issue is many

    One issue is many


    So Canadians will be heading to the polls on my birthday. Not the birthday gift I wanted from our Prime Minister, but I guess it’s the only one I’m going to get. We had a federal election only 2 years ago. Justin Trudeau claims it’s important to give us all a voice in who will be steering the country out of this pandemic (which is still happening). I am all for participating in the democratic…

  4. Socialized male


    In which I talk to my cis allies about my personal take on the idea that I was socialized male and what that means for my lived experience as a woman.
  5. Queerness as context


    Knowing I was ace didn’t automatically mean I identified as queer. It took me years of learning (and unlearning) to embrace the larger community.
  6. Ratings are not recommendations


    A caveat lector for those who enjoy my reviews: sometimes new information comes to light that changes my opinion of books or authors I’ve regarded highly in the past.
  7. Cover image for Pride isn’t up for debate

    Pride isn’t up for debate


    When we allow elected representatives to debate recognizing Pride Month and symbols, we send a message that 2SLGBTQ+ people’s rights are up for debate.
  8. Cover image for The childhood I didn’t have

    The childhood I didn’t have


    Wearing a dress to prom. Figuring out my style over decades instead of a year. Seeing myself represented on TV. Not having to go through the wrong puberty.

    These are just some of the experiences from the childhood I didn’t have.

    Today is the International Day of Pink, a day started here in Canada dedicated to anti-bullying, and specifically dedicated to stopping bullying against those who experience homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia. So I thought…

Showing 31 to 40 of 677 results