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Headshot of me with long hair, pink lip stick, light makeup Kara Babcock

Kara’s Blog

Read my thoughts going back 18 years.

Showing 661 to 670 of 678 results

  1. Time for a break


    I finished The Da Vinci Code yesterday, my English teacher lent me the illustrated edition for March Break. It was awesome! The plot is compelling and excellently constructed, and the characters are pretty realistic. The ending was slightly rushed, in my opinion, and not as fulfilling as I would have liked.

    Speaking of the March Break . . . it's over now. It was fun while it lasted. Would I like more time? Yes, of…

  2. Happy Pi Day


    Happy birthday, Tovan! Indeed, have a nice day.

    Also to all others: Happy Pi Day. Click the link over there to find out more. Have a nice day!

  3. Mmmaintenance


    Just performing some general clean up of the site. I'm tweaking the design and reconfiguring it to have friendler URIs. The site will soon be XHTML 1.1 valid, rather than XHTML 1.0 Transitional. You may have noticed a few sections disappearing or getting buggy. I'll fix those soon, once 3.0 is out and I have a working archive function, the news archives will be back up. I pulled the Writing section because I thought…

  4. My school is closing. Again.


    This isn't the first time. In Grade 7, my elementary school closed, so I went to my present school (which is a 7-12 school) for Grade 8. That turned out to be a blessing in disguised, I quite like my present school. Due to the mismanagement of the Ontario government with education funding, and an unfortunate decision on the part of my city's board of education, my school has been slated for closure at the…

  5. Excuse me while I orient my object


    I was bored again . . . a few days ago I downloaded a C/C++ compiler called Dev-C++ and I'm going to start learning C++, with the eventual goal of making cool text-based games. But everyone has to start somewhere.

    Luckily my PHP experience is paying off, a lot of the stuff such as looping, conditions, all that heavy stuff is already known to me. The only really new concept is OOP—which isn't new,…

  6. Merry Christmas!


    Merry Christmas to anyone insane enough to visit my site.

    Merry Christmas to Elaine, Tovan, and Mak. You know who you are. Stargate SG-1 marathon in 18 hours, Tovan! Twenty-two hours of SG-1 Season Six! Muwahahahaha

  7. My first job


    I took down the Currently Reading section of the About Me page because I read too quickly to keep it up-to-date. In other website news, hopefully my webhost will now be stable.

    In real life, I got a job. I am sorting files and the contents of several boxes stored in the basement area used by the law firm where my dad works (he's a lawyer). It is technically my first job, and my first…

  8. VSNS v2.3.3 is released!


    Tonight marks the release of my VSNS v2.3.3. Although it should perhaps be v2.4, I'm too lazy to rename all of that stuff, meh. You should upgrade to v2.3.3 because--perhaps surprisingly--upgrading in the future will become easier. Version 2.3.3 features a new "Update" page that runs a script which compares your version of VSNS with the latest version on my site, and tells you if you need to update.

    Unless I encounter bugs in 2.3.3,…

  9. R.I.P. John Morgan


    John Morgan, memorable Air Farce comedian with character such as Mike from Canmore and Jock McBile, died on Monday.

    I grew up on Air Farce, and John Morgan was my favourite of the troupe . . . it's said to see so many good actors dying when I'm so young . . .

  10. Disney will bring us the meaning of life


    Woohoo! A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy movie is becoming a reality. Check out the trailer on Yahoo!

    I can't wait to see it. Too bad Douglas Adams didn't live long enough to see his dreams for a movie become reality. . . .

    Oh and Disney, if you mess this up, then I shall curse you unto eternity.

    I made another scene today using trueSpace. You can view it in my gallery. Soon I'll…

Showing 661 to 670 of 678 results