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Headshot of me with long hair, pink lip stick, light makeup Kara Babcock

Kar·a Bab·cock

/ˈkɑɹə ˈbæbˌkɑk/ Listen to how I pronounce my nametitle>

  1. An inveterate reader.
  2. A word goddess.
  3. A force of nature.

Welcome to my personal site, including my blog of 17 years and links to my book reviews, podcasts, and other projects around the web.

Now offering freelance copyediting services!

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Recent Blog Posts

We cannot afford not to strike

Accepting arbitration now is not the way forward, not when OSSTF should be standing up with the labour movement across North America.

One month of that EV life

Recently I marked my first month as the owner of a brand-new 2023 Kia Niro EV! I’ve known for a while now that I wanted my next vehicle to be electric; I didn’t expect it to happen quite so soon. However, the timing was right. The venerable 2010 Mazda 3 I was driving until this summer was finally costing too much, in terms of annual maintenance, and I found myself in a position where…

Recent Book Reviews

Cover image for A Tale of Two Titties : A Writer's Guide to Conquering the Most Sexist Tropes in Literary History

A Tale of Two Titties : A Writer's Guide to Conquering the Most Sexist Tropes in Literary History

3 out of 5 stars ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆


I have followed Meg Vondriska on Twitter for a while now, and when I heard she was coming out with a book based on the concept of her @MenWritingWomen account, I ran, not walked, to the bookshop (well, I emailed them) to preorder. A Tale of Two Titties takes the basic concept of this account, amplifies it, but also twists it into something far more subversive and acerbic. The result is entertaining and potentially…