Two thousand reviews and counting
/ˈkɑɹə ˈbæbˌkɑk/
Welcome to my personal site, including my blog of 17 years and links to my book reviews, podcasts, and other projects around the web.
Now offering freelance copyediting services!
Recently I marked my first month as the owner of a brand-new 2023 Kia Niro EV! I’ve known for a while now that I wanted my next vehicle to be electric; I didn’t expect it to happen quite so soon. However, the timing was right. The venerable 2010 Mazda 3 I was driving until this summer was finally costing too much, in terms of annual maintenance, and I found myself in a position where…
3 out of 5 stars ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I have followed Meg Vondriska on Twitter for a while now, and when I heard she was coming out with a book based on the concept of her @MenWritingWomen account, I ran, not walked, to the bookshop (well, I emailed them) to preorder. A Tale of Two Titties takes the basic concept of this account, amplifies it, but also twists it into something far more subversive and acerbic. The result is entertaining and potentially…