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Headshot of me with long hair, pink lip stick, light makeup Kara Babcock

Articles Tagged with “VSNS Lemon”

14 articles found

  1. VSNS Lemon 4.0 RC 2 released


    VSNS Lemon 4.0 RC 2 is now available for download. It contains two changes. The first, and largest, change is that it no longer uses sessions to store the configuration variables. This makes it easier to integrate your blog with another page on your site. Secondly, because file_get_contents() generates a warning if allow_url_fopen is disabled, the RSS feed on the Admin CP index and the update checker will both fail gracefully if your host…

  2. VSNS Lemon 4.0 RC 1 released


    Finally! It feels good to have VSNS Lemon 4 out, but I still have lots of work left to do.

    I've turned my scripts repository into a wiki (DokuWiki, specifically) in order to better handle documentation and modification. Yes, that's right: documentation. It is by no means complete, but it is there, and I will continue working on it as much as possible. Since it's a wiki, you can contribute too, if you…

  3. Danger: Low ceiling


    Windows Vista does not like the adapter that I bought with my dance mat, so I ordered a new adapter online (thanks Laura!) that's better. It arrived last week and I got my dance mat working, which means I can now play StepMania! Plus I bought an RF modulator to hook up my computer to the big TV upstairs (because the TV is too old and has no S-video port!). This morning I went…

  4. VSNS Lemon 3.2.2 released


    I've been working on VSNS Lemon 3.3 for a little bit now. My major focus was improving it so that it wouldn't be so buggy (sucky). There aren't that many more features I'd like to add to it--the point is, after all, to keep it simple and avoid feature creep or feature bloat.

    So those of you who like simple will hopefully like this upgrade. It contains numerous bug fixes:

    • Security: Added session_name() to differentiate
  5. VSNS Lemon 3.2.1 released


    VSNS Lemon 3.2.1 is mostly a security update, but brings a few new features as well. You can download it from the VSNS Lemon website.

    Changelog: * Security: Addition of mysql_real_escape_string() to validate user input * Security: Fixed cookie authentication bug * Enhancement: Title of article now appears in title bar * Enhancement: Ability to preview comment or article before finalising changes * Enhancement: Word filter for comments * Efficiency: RSS feed is generated…

  6. It's here!


    VSNS Lemon 3.2 is here! :jay:

    Vastly improved (translation: it no longer sucks), version 3.2 irons out bugs and brings an unprecedented level of functionality to my blog script. In other words, I am no longer frustrated when I try to use it myself. If you don't like it, I do not blame you, but I am not to blame that your tastes are not exactly the same as mine.

    So there.

    You may also…

  7. VSNS Lemon 3.1 has arrived


    Well, it's here. After a lot of work, I've finished VSNS Lemon 3.1. Some of the biggest changes include an RSS feed (as seen on this site) and a fix to a couple of nasty bugs.

    As usual, it's available for download if you're crazy enough to try it, eh. If you need help (or find a bug) feel free to email me.

  8. VSNS Lemon 3.0.1 is released!


    I'm pleased to announce the release of VSNS Lemon 3.0.1, the first stable release of the 3.0 line of VSNS Lemon. It comes with a few minor bug fixes, as well as two additional options: you can now configure if the admin CP's navigation will appear as a dropdown box or an unordered list (whichever is easier to use for you) and you can also select the heading level for news articles. The latter…

  9. Mmmaintenance


    Just performing some general clean up of the site. I'm tweaking the design and reconfiguring it to have friendler URIs. The site will soon be XHTML 1.1 valid, rather than XHTML 1.0 Transitional. You may have noticed a few sections disappearing or getting buggy. I'll fix those soon, once 3.0 is out and I have a working archive function, the news archives will be back up. I pulled the Writing section because I thought…

  10. VSNS v2.3.3 is released!


    Tonight marks the release of my VSNS v2.3.3. Although it should perhaps be v2.4, I'm too lazy to rename all of that stuff, meh. You should upgrade to v2.3.3 because--perhaps surprisingly--upgrading in the future will become easier. Version 2.3.3 features a new "Update" page that runs a script which compares your version of VSNS with the latest version on my site, and tells you if you need to update.

    Unless I encounter bugs in 2.3.3,…

  11. Happy Birthday, Dad!


    It's my dad's birthday today . . . so happy birthday, Dad. If you're reading this, then it's time to close the browser and play some Freecell. . . .

    I've added a great new feature to the VSNS. With v2.3.3, you will be able to pin items at any time, or unpin a pinned item rather than deleting it. Version 2.3.3 will be released shortly.

  12. Very minor updates


    I've updated VSNS to v2.3.2. No real important changes, just some things to make the code cleaner and the control panel easier to use.

  13. Introducing VSNS

    Published (Updated )

    This is the first entry using my new Very Simple News System, which is the publicly redesigned version of my news generation. The news archives will be temporarily unavailable for now while I modify my VSNS for my archival purposes. I hope to put the VSNS up for download very soon.