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Headshot of me with long hair, pink lip stick, light makeup Kara Babcock

Articles from June 2006

11 articles

← May 2006July 2006 →
  1. Employed am I!


    I got some training today as I started my job. First I had to bike to the Art Gallery, which is located on the college campus. The ride was okay, although I hate crossing the busier streets because I'm paranoid about being hit by a car. :D After I got to the gallery, I changed from my shorts into dress pants and a dress shirt (and some dress shoes) to start off at work. I…

  2. I've been corrupted!


    So it's official, InvisionFree has corrupted me :yes:.

    Not in any sort of bad way, I assure you, but in the sneaky and insidious Pavlovian way. If I were a dog with a bell, I would salivate. In this case, it's signatures at other message boards (InvisionFree or no). I'm so used to the 550x150 pixel limit on signatures at the support board (and removing those that are above it) that whenever I go to…

  3. Summer verge


    One more exam to go. My French exam today was very easy, and I found out that I did quite well on both Math and Chemistry! Just Computer Science is left.

    On the last day of classes, I asked Mr. Dubyk, my math/Computer Science teacher, where he got the nifty cover bag for his laptop. It's essentially a cover into which you slide the laptop and then velcro the top closed with two straps. I…

  4. One exam down


    One exam down, a few left to go. Math was all right, although very hard. One or two questions in particular frustrated me, but I'll let it go.

    I was an idiot and deleted my blog tables because I was poking the wrong database. >_< Luckily, I have a backup from last week. I still lost a few posts though. :-/

    Basically the only important thing I need to say is that I got the…

  5. Another great day at the ballpark


    You must be getting tired of my recounts of baseball games by now. :D I'll say this, however: it was a great game. Final score 5-0 for our team, and everything was fun to watch. Our fielding was much improved; I'm particularly impressed with Oney Guillen, the second baseman. In the first few games, he tripped and fumbled and dropped and let things by that he should have easily fielded. He seemed on the ball…

  6. Much, much better


    :w00t: Went to tonight's Border Cats game! It was excellent. Final score was 7-4 for the Cats, and the game itself was fun to watch. The first few innings were slow, and the Lacrosse Loggers were up by 4. But we scored several times and were tied by the eighth. The bottom of the eighth was amazing: stolen bases, errors on the part of the other team, the type of runs that make you cheer…

  7. Guess who made emoticons!



    I'm not a graphics artist by any measure of the word. However, since no one was kind enough to make me emoticons for my scripts, I had to do it myself. And they actually turned out rather well. :o

    Now I need to clean up the CSS tomorrow and write some documentation. I hope to ship it as v1.1 Beta sometime this weekend, so keep your eyes out (and legs, and such, unless you're…

  8. Ball game


    Went to the first Border Cats home game tonight. It was...not what I had expected. Everything started great, but things quickly went downhill. We had reasonable pitching but some poor fielding, and worst of all, no offence whatsoever--I think we got about one or two hits. By the bottom of the sixth, the score was 8-0 in favour of the Rochester Honkers. It was getting cold and late, so my dad and I left.


  9. The countdown begins


    Only 12 more days of school left! :hyper:

    I can't believe I'm counting down, but I'm just that ready for school to finish. Things are going so slowly. The only class in which I really do much work anymore is French anyway, so I'm ready for things to end. This week should be easy, but next week I have a lot of extra-curricular activities going on, including a Black Light production and the school's Outsiders

  10. I tried updating to Dapper today. It did not go so well.

    You know how I keep talking about my computer overheating? Well, the problem is avoidable in Windows. In Kubuntu, my computer overheats within minutes. So I still tried upgrading, but unfortunately, it overheated. I tried it from just the command line, but it still overheated--in the middle of depackaging the files I finally managed to download.

    Now I have segmentation fault errors when…

  11. Planting and Ubuntu


    Yesterday we bought fertilizer and topsoil for our big garden and spread it around in preparation for planting. We've decided to plant lettuce, carrots, and I think sunflowers. Note to self: get more topsoil next time; four bags is not enough. And we need more peat moss.

    Ubuntu 6.06, the "Dapper Drake", is coming out today! :w00t: It's already available on many mirrors, although I'm waiting for one in Canada before I actually upgrade. I…