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Headshot of me with long hair, pink lip stick, light makeup Kara Babcock

Articles from February 2006

13 articles

← January 2006March 2006 →
  1. This blog has 122 words


    After school today I went to the "Outdoors" show, or whatever it's called, at the Golf Dome. They showcase outdoor equipment and outdoor recreation businesses and stuff. It was mildly interesting, and I got some photos that I may put up if I'm not too lazy. :D

    Oh, and I saw Mrs. Crittall, my grade 9 science teacher, there! She remembers me, apparently. She's teaching at Hammarskjold and told me to say hello to all…

  2. Crash


    My weekend was full of character-driven goodness, starting with Sin City on Friday and culminating on Saturday with Crash. I can certainly see why Crash deserves to win Best Picture, and I will not hesitate to call it one of the Best Movies Ever.

    Seldom have I ever seen such a beautifully woven tapestry of character-driven stories. They all intertwine. It was uplifting and saddening, frightening and reassuring, profound and entertaining, all at the…

  3. I'm ba-ack


    Did you miss me?

  4. Internet troubles


    To make a long story short, my Internet connection at home went kaploof! on Saturday afternoon. A service technician should be by on Monday, so hopefully everything will be fixed by Monday night/Tuesday.

    I'm sitting at Seattle Coffeehouse right now, extremely thankful for cafés with wireless hotspots. And that I have a wireless laptop.

    You see, we're painting the room where our desktop computer, modem, router, etc. live. My brother unplugged the modem and router…

  5. On a happier note


    /me coughs. Because my dad complains about my last posts being "less positive". rolleyes

    I'm starting to settle into the “routine” of things at school now. I'm actually being challenged in math, which is nice. ^_^ We finally got our actual French teacher yesterday. She's nice, and very knowledgeable--to the point that she speaks mostly in French! I think she'll be good for us, though, especially because while I am strong at writing French, I…

  6. It's in the mail


    Yesterday I learned a lesson that I already knew. One should not be late in replying to requests from the people giving one a mail-in rebate. They sent me a letter, oh, two weeks ago, kindly informing me that I had left out the UPC from the digital camera and printer (the items which have the rebates).

    I was supposed to ensure that they received these no later than February 14, 2006. /me looks at…

  7. Gah! Pizza!


    We ordered pizza last night, pepperoni and cheese pizza for my brother and I.

    It was very very yummy. Except that I discovered it had sun-dried tomatoes! I abhor sun-dried tomatoes.

    Basically my entire pizza-eating experience was ruined. :( I ate it anyway since it's pizza and I can't let it go to waste. Still though, my brother (who did the ordering) claims that he did not order it with sun-dried tomatoes, which means that…

  8. A little bit of everything

    Published (Updated )

    I thought this semester would be easier than last, but now I'm not so sure. Maybe it's just the transition that's really difficult, but I feel very tired and very burnt out.

    Part of the reason is that my classes are so low-energy. Last semester, particularly with drama, I had something to anticipate each day: moments of high-energy where I got to exercise and be hyper. Now it's just mindless plodding from class to class.…

  9. Happy birthday, mom!


    Today my mom turns 49. Due to the fact that I have a website with a modest readership, I think it is cool that I can wish her a happy birthday and have many people who neither know me nor my mom know about it. It just goes to show how wonderfully disturbing this whole concept of blogging is.

    Oh, and yeah, happy birthday, mom! :hug:

    /me pokes loyal stalkers.

  10. Decision time


    I did say that I wouldn't make any decisions until 3:30. Well, it's 4:32 right now, and I already have a pretty good idea of how this semester will be.

    I finally figured out what the computer course is about: "Introduction to Computer Science". Basically programming and stuff. We're going to start off with Turing, then move into XHTML--but only so we can display the output from our final units, creating dynamically driven websites…

  11. School tomorrow!


    Tomorrow I go back to school. Mixed feelings, eh, which I kind of regret, since I want to like school. Westgate makes that incredibly difficult, however. The atmosphere is just not wubbly like it was back at FWCI.

    But I harp on that enough. I'm going into this semester with a fresh slate: no preconceived notions until 3:30 PM tomorrow. Then I can make irrational decisions if I want, but only then. Maybe it…

  12. Life as a grumpy kitchen hermit


    Today and tomorrow I live in my kitchen.

    Why? Well, because it's better than my room. My furniture in my room is uncomfortable (I need to replace it). The kitchen is comfortable, spacious, bright during the daytime, and it has food at my fingertips! :drool: Thus, I've relocated to the kitchen. The only downside is no TV. But that's a small price to pay for the other benefits.

    As my editors dissect my novel,…

  13. Drama drama drama


    What a wild ride! Got up, ate breakfast, went to school, set up for drama. It was interesting, to say the least. I love the controlled chaos of setting up for a drama production. :D

    As you may recall, last week's drama exam was moved to this week.

    The order of the docudramas were: “Genocide”, “Hurricane Katrina”, “Life in the Fast Lane” (my group!), and “War for Peace”. They were all brilliant, considering that…