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Headshot of me with long hair, pink lip stick, light makeup Kara Babcock

Articles from January 2006

15 articles

← December 2005February 2006 →
  1. Our perfect world


    I've been rather single-minded about finishing my novel lately, and as such I've noticed that my posts here are becoming more narratives about my life (which is, frankly, very boring) instead of interesting glimpses into my mind (which is slightly less boring). So consider the following.

    I don't really like Disney all that much. I find Disney a souless corporation with humble beginnings. That said, we owe Disney a huge debt of gratitude that few…

  2. Google . . .?


    I was proud of Google for refusing the United States Justice Department's request for that information. Unfortunately, it seems that Google's done a total 180° on me. . . .

    They've agreed to censor their services in China, including censoring words such as "democracy" and "human rights" from their search engine. :( Apparently the decision was "painful" but they think some access for China to Google is better than none.

    I think that regardless of…

  3. So today basically sucks

    Published (Updated )

    I apologise for the language in the title, but it's rather fitting. I was all ready, all hyper, to do our drama exam . . . and then it was cancelled.

    Mrs. Vieira's apparently sick. I'm not angry; I've been sick before too. I'm just very disheartened, disappointed, and basically I feel like I've been punched in the gut. I was ready, and now I have to wait until next Wednesday. I don't even know…

  4. And the results are in. . . .


    Conservative minority government. :'(

    Not like it's news or anything. I'm kind of disappointed. I was hoping that the Liberals might rally enough last minute support to sneak a minority into there, but no, the Conservatives were too strong out west and the NDP were too strong around. . . .

    The Liberals won in Thunder Bay though. ^_^

    I guess I need to get used to saying "Prime Minister Stephen Harper" :|

    But not…

  5. I'd like an extra-large rat, to go, please


    It was rat dissection day in biology class! (Tomorrow too).

    Yes, my friends, large preserved white rats from Boreal Laboratories shipped from Toronto to Thunder Bay for the use in our fun fun dissection.

    It was absoutely repulsive. :D Not so much the whole cutting into a dead rat part, I can stomach that. It was the squishy consistency of the internal organs and ugly colour of the liver that made me pause. That, and…

  6. Hmm . . . BOINC?


    My day was a good day. I'm really only stressed about drama. Four more school days to go.

    Rat dissection tomorrow in biology. If those rats arrive. . . . We order them from Boreal Laboratories in Toronto, and they're late. >_<

    Anyway, so in a moment of idleness I downloaded BOINC and joined up for, Einstein@home, and Rosetta@home. I want to participate in SETI@home, but something seems to…

  7. Wagner


    The perfect music for meditating on heavy issues of philosophical import. :wub:

    I think too much. It really makes my life more complicated than it needs to be.

  8. Fasterfox?


    I installed Fasterfox this evening out of sheer whimsy. It looked like an interesting extension. I don't find Firefox really slow, but it was worth a try.

    I honestly didn't find a huge difference with any of the preset settings. Normally deviantART takes a long time to load. With the settings, it sped up marginally, but on average I think it's the same. ImageShack images, though, do load faster. ImageShack's servers are normally so darn…

  9. Seven days

    Published (Updated )

    That's how many more days of school I have. :francis:

    I'm freaking out a bit with stress over my two culminating activities: one for English and one for Drama. We present our English one on Thursday. I'm not that worried about it, since I suspect that I'll get a good mark regardless, but I am worried that I'm not worried. Why am I so unmotivated?

    I'm worried about drama because I'm a perfectionist. I want…

  10. Weird


    I feel weird. Probably because it's 2:36 and I should be in bed (and I will as soon as I finish blogging, which is my last task today apparently).

    Probably also because today has been this emotional roller-coaster. I woke up feeling sore due to a very pained back, which plagued me throughout the day. Then I alternated between lethargic and hyper, which made for an interesting Friday. I was apathetic in English, couldn't focus…

  11. What we leave behind


    I spent much of biology class ruminating on what we leave behind as we grow up. Growing up is a weird thing. It doesn't happen consistently, in my opinion, but in spurts of growth that can be defined by events in our life that shape our ongoing understanding the universe around us.

    You see, we were going to take a note. From the classroom across the hall, all you could hear was a big, booming…

  12. French language debates - Round 2

    Published (Updated )

    One word: bad. Bad, bad, bad. Ugh.

    To begin I must set the stage. This is basically Duceppe's Debate. The English-language debates were focussed at the rest of Canada. It's Quebec (mainly) that focusses on the French-language debate. The Bloc, running only in Quebec, obviously must do well.

    Lately Duceppe hasn't been doing well. He's been losing ground to Harper. The pollsters claim this is because federalists who would normally vote Bloc because they…

  13. English language debates - Round 2


    Tonight was the first of the second set of leadership debates, the English language one.

    It was better than the last English language debate. They didn't keep on cutting each other off, and I don't think the moderator had to turn off their microphones this time around. But the same rhetoric was still there. Let's unmask it:

    Harper: The Liberals are corrupt. (Maybe if I repeat this over and over, people will become hypnotised and…

  14. Miserable and grumpy works!


    After watching Michael Caine in Miss Congeniality, I've decided that I want to be a miserable, grumpy elitist. That would work for me.

    And if I could acquire a British accent, that'd be a cool plus.

  15. They're ba-ack!


    The election ads are back. :fear:

    On another note, I've felt sick since yesterday, which is no fun. I won't go into details, but let's put it this way: I can now use the words "reverse peristalsis" in context. Luckily my family is very practised at taking care of each other. My brother made me toast last night.

    Ugh, but I've had to stay home from work . . . which means I'll probably have…