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Headshot of me with long hair, pink lip stick, light makeup Kara Babcock

Articles Tagged with “me”

85 articles found

Showing 1 to 20 of 85 results

  1. Cover image for Moving my body more with Ultimate Frisbee

    Moving my body more with Ultimate Frisbee


    If you had told me summer 2024 would mark the beginning of my Sports Girlie Era, I’m not sure I would have believed you. Nevertheless, this summer I started playing Ultimate Frisbee through the league here in Thunder Bay—and it was everything I wanted from joining up for a sport.

    Earlier this year, I was meditating on turning thirty-five in September. As I age and feel more and more how my body has changed from…

  2. Cover image for One month of that EV life

    One month of that EV life


    Recently I marked my first month as the owner of a brand-new 2023 Kia Niro EV! I’ve known for a while now that I wanted my next vehicle to be electric; I didn’t expect it to happen quite so soon. However, the timing was right. The venerable 2010 Mazda 3 I was driving until this summer was finally costing too much, in terms of annual maintenance, and I found myself in a position where…

  3. Cover image for Making friends

    Making friends


    Why are the things we want most sometimes the toughest to obtain? Now, finally, some traction.
  4. Cover image for To the bone

    To the bone


    I can’t speak for the other teachers in your life, but I am not OK. You know why. But here is the whole story—for posterity?
  5. Why I’m freelancing


    I’m not leaving teaching, but I’ve had my moments. This is my attempt to breathe.
  6. Validation


    A quick reminder to cis allies about how small words of affirmation have an outsize importance on the lives of your trans friends.
  7. I'm regenerating!


    My friends, the time has come for me to say, "Hello." But no lengthy introductions here, no cute anecdotes. Let's get into it.

    I'm transgender. I am a trans woman. I am a woman.

    My new name is Kara (Car-uh) and my pronouns are she/her. Yes, this includes when talking about or sharing things I've posted in the past, even though my old name is still on there. Check out my name policy

  8. Kara and Becky take Montreal

    Published (Updated )

    I went on vacation to visit my friend Rebecca in her new city of Montreal, and I had an awesome, relaxing time.
  9. Life in Cartoon Motion

    Published (Updated )

    Every once in a while, someone remarks or asks of me, “Don’t you ever wish you could have lived in simpler times?” or something along those lines. And every time, my response is some version of, “Hell, no.” Setting aside the obvious benefits of clean drinking water (at least, in this part of Canada) and flush toilets, I am forever grateful to have the privilege of being able to stay in contact with people I’ve…

  10. One key fewer


    Hey, look, it’s been ten years since I graduated high school. Look at that. Time flies.

    This post isn’t really about graduation decennials, though. This is about quitting my longest-held job.

    Eleven years ago I dropped off a resume at the Thunder Bay Art Gallery. I was just finishing up Grade 11, and I wanted a summer job that wasn’t going through old files in the creepy storage room beneath the Chapple Building for…

  11. Just K1, P1 for 1115 days


    I taught myself continental style last week, mostly on a whim.

    I can say things like this, because I have become fairly proficient at knitting. See, today marks exactly three years since I learned how to knit.

    Learning to knit changed my life. I never saw it coming. And since I started learning, I have never stopped.

    So, why the continental style? I’m working on a second pair of Newfoundland mitts, as a request from…

  12. Libraries make my day


    I feel the need to make note on this blog that I’m 25 now. Since Saturday.

    I started a blog post last week about how I felt to be 25. Essentially it boiled down to “I don’t feel like an adult yet still” and then digressed into morose ruminations on the cognitive dissonance of being Facebook friends with people from high school I never talk to. It was entirely too serious and lugubrious considering…

  13. Amsterdam travel diary: Monday


    Amsterdam has canals!

    We have two weeks off for Easter. Earlier this week, I went to Amsterdam for a few days with three other teacher friends. I’ve written some blog posts about our time there. We left Monday evening, and originally I wasn’t going to blog about that part of the trip, because it’s mostly travel. But Monday was a special day all by itself, and I need to record it.

    Last year, around this time, I had

  14. Missing winter


    I’m wearing shorts right now.

    Shorts. In March. OK, I wore shorts in March back in Canada—but towards the end of March, when the snow was actually melting. Today it’s so nice that I can go outside and sit in shorts and a T-shirt without so much as a jacket. Crazy.

    A few weeks ago, I asked my dad to send me a photo of the snow back home so I could see what I…

  15. I’m 24 now.

    It’s not much different from being 23. I think I’ve changed a lot in a year. Last year I felt far too young to be a teacher. Now I’m jaded and cynical about the world of work!

    It’s weird to think I’m a quarter of the way through my likely life-span. I’ve still got so much left to learn.

    My birthday was actually on Friday. Another math teacher shares the same birthday…

  16. Home for the summer


    Well, I’m not home yet. As I write this, I sit in the basement of my grandparents’ home in Waterloo, Ontario. They are a nice stepping stone between England and Thunder Bay, and I elected to spend a few days with them before flying the second (and considerably shorter) leg back home.

    But I am in the process of going home, which they say you can never do, but I’m a rebel that way. It…

Showing 1 to 20 of 85 results