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Headshot of me with long hair, pink lip stick, light makeup Kara Babcock

Articles from December 2014

2 articles

← November 2014January 2015 →
  1. Is this the future? I like it


    Last time … on Ben’s blog! I got a Nexus 5.

    I spent most of that post rambling about why I got a new phone, why I chose the Nexus 5, and my initial reactions to unboxing the phone. Now I’ll go into more depth regarding my thoughts on the Nexus’ hardware and the software—Android 5.0, codenamed Lollipop. A lot of this will be framed in terms of comparing Hadamard, my new…

  2. New phone: Nexus 5


    I gave in and bought a new phone last week. It arrived on Tuesday.

    Specifically, I bought a 32 GB black Nexus 5 from the Google Play Store.

    Nexus 5 box

    My former (and first) smartphone was a Samsung Galaxy Captivate (that is, the original Galaxy S phone). I don’t think it ever received an update beyond Android 2.2—I don’t know, though, because I eventually grew brave enough to flash CyanogenMod to it, freeing me from the tyranny…