Ball game
Went to the first Border Cats home game tonight. It was...not what I had expected. Everything started great, but things quickly went downhill. We had reasonable pitching but some poor fielding, and worst of all, no offence whatsoever--I think we got about one or two hits. By the bottom of the sixth, the score was 8-0 in favour of the Rochester Honkers. It was getting cold and late, so my dad and I left.
Eleven days left. I finished my oral report for French--I present on Friday, second last--and now I want to make a PowerPoint presentation to go with it (in fact I'll probably use Impress, because it impresses me so much :D ) for visual aids. This report is the oral component of my exam! Then I have to write an essay; I hope to start that tomorrow and get a good thesis and introduction down.