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Headshot of me with long hair, pink lip stick, light makeup Kara Babcock

Kara’s Blog

Read my thoughts going back 18 years.

Showing 641 to 650 of 673 results

  1. Grandparents in town


    Well, my paternal grandparents arrived from Waterloo on Wednesday to visit with people they know from Thunder Bay. My brother and I got to see them a few times. On Thursday we went for lunch with them and my Uncle George (who is in fact more like my Great-Great-Uncle; he is 92). I had fish and chips, ordering 4 pieces of fish thinking they would be tiny and being confronted with several large pieces. I…

  2. Crunchy tickets


    Lots of updates. Every day I say I'll write an update, then I go off and do something else. . . .

    Unfortunately, my school is closing. I'm understandably distraught. My marks are good though: 98% in all four classes, making a nice average of . . . you guessed it, 98%!

    Not much else to talk about . . . um . . . I got promoted today at InvisionFree Support. I'm now

  3. Dual booting my emotions


    Lots of updates (the site moved servers).

    I installed Ubuntu Linux on my computer. Now it is a dual boot Unbuntu/Win XP laptop. There are some hardware issues with the CPU and heating, but otherwise it is pretty cool. Ubuntu has almost everything that I need, including the GIMP and a functional word processor. I'm still a Linux newbie, but I'm learning as I go.

    School continues to wind down. The schedule continues to be…

  4. Visit to the orthodontist


    I went to the orthodontist today, first time for everything. Apparently I have an underbite, which occurs where my lower jaw protrudes out from my face slightly more than my lower jaw. Mine is very slight, only about a millimetre, so apparently it isn't much to worry about yet. The treatment would be jaw surgery in which a portion of my lower jaw is cut, removed, and then the remainer is slid back to correct…

  5. A very dramatic blog entry


    Well, there's been a few changes. I got the random quote up, although due to some FreeType library problems, it is in a text version rather than an image. Also, I've added a background-image, a starfield. It was created by me, using the GIMP and a convenient tutorial.

    To go with the starfield, I released a new logo. Those of you using Internet Explorer on a Windows platform will probably now be wondering why…

  6. VSNS Lemon 3.0.1 is released!


    I'm pleased to announce the release of VSNS Lemon 3.0.1, the first stable release of the 3.0 line of VSNS Lemon. It comes with a few minor bug fixes, as well as two additional options: you can now configure if the admin CP's navigation will appear as a dropdown box or an unordered list (whichever is easier to use for you) and you can also select the heading level for news articles. The latter…

  7. h2g2 hits the big screen


    I saw The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy the day it opened. Best movie ever! Unfortunately, I’m too lazy to post a very long review, but I’ll see what I can do.

    I shall begin with an imperative: Go watch it. Even if you haven’t read the book, or listened to the radio series, just bring a towel and watch. You might not get all the references, but you’ll enjoy it anyway.

    It is definitely…

  8. Of death and taxes


    I did my taxes for 2004 yesterday, first time ever doing so (with the help of my dad). Thanks to the Ontario Sales Tax Credit, I get a refund. This also didn't apply to me . . . I'm too young. The form wasn't that hard to fill out, because most of the form did not apply to me.

    That wasn't too helpful for my mathematics skills, which will be tested soon in a May…

  9. More Doctor Who gushing


    //Doctor Who is coming along quite nicely. Although I think the character personalities are still somewhat quirky, they are believable*. Tonight was the third episode, I still prefer the second because it was more space-orientated, but this episode was kind of cool.

    I've been feeling rather under the weather for the past few days, it's just a cold though. And I discovered a great new webcomic, Irregular Webcomic!. It's absolutely brilliant, I strongly advise…

  10. Student trustee interview


    Interesting day, overall. I had an interview for Student Trustee, which is essentially the student representative who goes to the Board Trustee meetings. It was . . . awkward. I learned that the questions included with the application were for preparation only, and that I wasn't actually supposed to fill them out. I'm understandably nervous about what sort of impression I made. Either way, I think I will be happy with the outcome: if I…

Showing 641 to 650 of 673 results