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Headshot of me with long hair, pink lip stick, light makeup Kara Babcock

15 Articles from 2022

The current year. I hope it’s a good one!

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  1. October

    1. The girl in the picture
    2. Less therapy, more revolution
  2. September

    1. But I’m a good person
    2. Making friends
  3. August

    1. Baby needs a new pair of shoes
  4. June

    1. Why don’t you just teach in high school instead?
  5. May

    1. I believe in a politics of care
    2. To the bone
  6. April

    1. Yes, I'm an educator who is political. Deal with it.
  7. March

    1. Why I’m freelancing
  8. February

    1. Free: My 2nd anniversary of transition
    2. Long hair, very much care
  9. January

    1. Protecting children means protecting trans kids too
    2. I wrote a thing (about education)
    3. Starting 2022 with a fresh look