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Headshot of me with long hair, pink lip stick, light makeup Kara Babcock

Kara’s Blog

Read my thoughts going back 18 years.

Showing 11 to 20 of 673 results

  1. Cover image for But I’m a good person

    But I’m a good person


    This blog post is not about the death of the queen, though the bad hot takes on social media are the inciting incident. This is a blog post about white supremacy and white fragility and the fallacy that you can be progressive without feeling uncomfortable about your whiteness or doing a damn thing towards actual change.

    Don’t Speak Ill of the Dead

    Last Thursday, Queen Elizabeth died, and the internet lost its collective mind. Suddenly,…

  2. Cover image for Making friends

    Making friends


    Why are the things we want most sometimes the toughest to obtain? Now, finally, some traction.
  3. Cover image for Baby needs a new pair of shoes

    Baby needs a new pair of shoes


    Not actually about shoes but rather the need for radical collective action. All of us deserve more than just survival. We deserve luxury too.
  4. Cover image for To the bone

    To the bone


    I can’t speak for the other teachers in your life, but I am not OK. You know why. But here is the whole story—for posterity?
  5. Why I’m freelancing


    I’m not leaving teaching, but I’ve had my moments. This is my attempt to breathe.

Showing 11 to 20 of 673 results