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Headshot of me with long hair, pink lip stick, light makeup Kara Babcock

80 Articles from 2005

In which I discover Doctor Who, move high schools, and get political.

← 20042006 →
  1. December

    1. Narnia
    2. Christmas > Election?
    3. Digital camera! *drool*
    4. The meaning of Christmas
    5. Merry Christmahannukwanzaka Day Day
    6. Cynicism on the rise
    7. Trimming a tree
    8. How not to stop a bus
    9. Our leaders speak . . . in French!
    10. I think our provincial government is run by pigeons
    11. One Red Paperclip
    12. Let's hear it for CompuSmart
    13. Good news and bad news
    14. No more red squiggles
    15. Adrenaline rush
    16. Slim Santa?
    17. Ice cubes
  2. November

    1. Stolen from Laura
    2. Semi-snow days
    3. And another one bites dust
    4. What an awesome day, eh
    5. Open wide...
    6. Surprise!
    7. Cabaret!
    8. Canadian? Yes. Proud? Sometimes.
    9. Life's an adventure
    10. Six hours
    11. We remember
    12. CBC News: The Hour
    13. I sicken me
    14. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
    15. Happy Hallowe'en!
  3. October

    1. Portable Apps
    2. Goings on
    3. New Website
    4. Black Light
    5. Serenity
  4. September

    1. Sure, you can teach Intelligent Design
    2. Mmm . . . pie
    3. Talk Like a Pirate, eh--er, Arr
    4. My letter to the CBC
    5. Blasphemy and sacrilege grace the CBC
    6. Life in the Madhouse
    7. School starts, eh
  5. August

    1. The Brothers Grimm indeed
    2. Google Talk
    3. Depressing
    4. Presenting the new Northwoods League champions . . .
    5. The reign of victory continues
    6. Border Cats Blast
    7. VSNS Lemon 3.1 has arrived
    8. Taming of the Shrew
    9. Border Cats win! Going to the playoffs!
    10. Grand Marais and back again
    11. Curse you bots! Curse you!
  6. July

    1. Demoglassics
    2. Never a bad night at the ballpark!
    3. More proof that boredom is dangerous
    4. Blog updates
    5. Life moves pretty fast
    6. Grandparents in town
    7. Crunchy tickets
  7. June

    1. Dual booting my emotions
    2. Visit to the orthodontist
    3. A very dramatic blog entry
  8. May

    1. VSNS Lemon 3.0.1 is released!
    2. h2g2 hits the big screen
  9. April

    1. Of death and taxes
    2. More Doctor Who gushing
    3. Student trustee interview
    4. MSN 7.0 review
    5. Doctor Who?
  10. March

    1. THHGTG Premieres April 29, 2005!
    2. March Marathon Madness
    3. VSNS Lemon (3.0) is Released!
    4. Time for a break
    5. Happy Pi Day
    6. Mmmaintenance
  11. January

    1. My school is closing. Again.
    2. Excuse me while I orient my object