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Headshot of me with long hair, pink lip stick, light makeup Kara Babcock

Articles from January 2012

3 articles

← December 2011February 2012 →
  1. The new cat in the house


    This has traditionally been a two-cat house. Last August one of our cats, Marble, died. We knew we were going to get another cat eventually, but then our basement flooded and required repairs, so we had to postpone until after Christmas. Finally, the day before New Year’s Eve, we went to the Humane Society to pick out a pet.

    Sarah, our new tabby cat, lying on my comforter

    We found Sarah. She is a two-month-old (almost three months now, I guess) tabby. She…

  2. Please, protect the public domain!


    My New Year’s Eve was pretty good. As I am not much of a party-goer I did not plan on doing anything special. My two friends Cassie and Carly had extended a casual invitation to perhaps do something. Eventually they decided to watch the hockey game, and having no interest in hockey, I did not go over to their house. But I asked them to “alert me in the event of an impromptu snowball fight”.…