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Headshot of me with long hair, pink lip stick, light makeup Kara Babcock

Articles Tagged with “shopping”

3 articles found

  1. Are You Sure This is Legal?


    Books I bought

    Today I went to renew my iRewards membership at Chapters. I took with me my gift cards from Christmas, because I know that any time I enter Chapters, I can't leave without buying at least one book.

    I bought twelve.

    As usual when leaving Chapters, I experienced this giddy sensation as if I had committed some sort of crime and gotten away with it--how could they let me leave with so much knowledge?! Sure, I…

  2. Shopping logic


    I must say, I seem to lack a lot of the basic social knowledge required to survive in the modern world. One must wonder why the Sierra Club hasn't blacklisted me yet.

    My former English teacher, Ms. Sukalo, is in town for Easter this week (she now teaches in New York, so I don't get to see her often). Myself and a bunch of friends finally got to see her today; we met for coffee…

  3. The addictive nature of online shopping


    It all started with The Little Book of Calm...

    I was putting together the semblance of a costume to wear tomorrow to school, since it's Halloween--aka an excuse to wear a housecoat to school. :D Anyway, I wanted to make a fake Little Book of Calm. It's an actual book, but in this case I'm referencing a British comedy series called Black Books. For some reason I looked it up on Chapters'…