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Headshot of me with long hair, pink lip stick, light makeup Kara Babcock

Articles from July 2012

3 articles

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  1. Dusting off the Dell


    My computer is a Dell Inspiron 6400, and it turned five years old last month. It’s been good to me. I replaced the battery once, about two years ago, and the keyboard twice, once under warranty because I broke a key—er, it snapped off—and once because the space bar was getting worn out. Sometime in the past few year years, the left corner of the white trim on the palm rest cracked. Otherwise, this computer…

  2. Goodbye, Kaylee


    Two days after I got back from England, we took our cat Kaylee into the vet in the evening. I had noticed something was off—she seemed jaundiced, and when she started having trouble balancing, I knew there was a problem.

    The following Thursday, we received the news: Kaylee had cancer, in the liver, and it wasn’t going to get better.

    We said goodbye on Saturday.

    Unlike Marble’s decline, Kaylee’s was sudden and unexpected. She had…

  3. Iday Vlog


    I don’t always make videos, but when I do, they are long and have quirky music.