Top 10 best and worst books I read in 2010
For the third consecutive year I have prepared two top 10 lists of books. One has the best books I read last year, and the other has the worst books.
Recently I completed a new feature for my site, book lists. They do exactly what they sound like: lists of books I've read, with reviews I've written on Goodreads. This is all part of a larger work-in-progress, which is a portal that offers an overview of my reading.
Rather than reproduce the list here as I have done in the past, I'll just link to the two lists. Since book lists do not accept comments, however, please post your comments here!
And you may want to check out the lists from previous years.
I intend to analyze my reading statistics in detail like I did for 2009. Those should be available soon. For now, let me just say that I read 137 books in 2010--fewer than last year's total, 156 books. My goal for 2011 is 166--I hope to regain my lost ground and better it by ten! Wish me luck.