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Headshot of me with long hair, pink lip stick, light makeup Kara Babcock

Articles from January 2011

5 articles

← December 2010February 2011 →
  1. Today is the last day that the House of Commons legislative committee on Bill C-32 is accepting submissions regarding possible amends to Bill C-32, our latest attempt to amend the Copyright Act. What follows is my submission to them. It is definitely not very formal and contains no real proposed amendments--many more knowledgeable people have already made such submissions, and I defer to them in that area of expertise. Nevertheless, I felt that it was…

  2. I can haz conference?


    This Friday, Saturday, and Sunday I attended the eighth annual Combinatorial Algebra meets Algebraic Combinatorics Conference. No, I didn't record awesome video diaries as I did when I attended the 2010 Canadian Undergraduate Mathematics Conference. I did meet many experts in these fields, listened to interesting talks that I didn't really understand, and gave a talk of my own!

    Combinatorial algebra and algebraic combinatorics are, as the conference's title and purpose expresses, two sides…

  3. This term I'm taking Philosophy & the Internet. Appropriately, it is online; more appropriately, part of our evaluation will be based on how we use an online service--be it a blog, YouTube channel, Facebook page, etc.--to respond critically to four of the weekly readings of our choice. Since I already have a blog, and I'm lazy, I'm just going to use this one. I thought I should make a post about it first, in part…

  4. Originally I was just going to tweet a link to this CBC news article and leave it at that. The more I thought about it, however, the more outraged I became. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's out of some need to feel vicariously oppressed, on account of the fact that I am a tall white male and thus systemically unoppressed. Maybe it's because, although I am not a professional web designer, I am familiar…

  5. Top 10 best and worst books I read in 2010


    For the third consecutive year I have prepared two top 10 lists of books. One has the best books I read last year, and the other has the worst books.

    Recently I completed a new feature for my site, book lists. They do exactly what they sound like: lists of books I've read, with reviews I've written on Goodreads. This is all part of a larger work-in-progress, which is a portal that offers…