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Today I went to renew my iRewards membership at Chapters. I took with me my gift cards from Christmas, because I know that any time I enter Chapters, I can't leave without buying at least one book.
I bought twelve.
As usual when leaving Chapters, I experienced this giddy sensation as if I had committed some sort of crime and gotten away with it--how could they let me leave with so much knowledge?! Sure, I paid them for it, but it still seems like a crime. Buying books leaves me exhilarated--I don't know why people do drugs when they can just get high off reading. At least, I find reading that enjoyable; I suppose other people don't.
The photo above includes books I acquired prior to today as well, including some older editions of Sense and Sensibility and Middlemarch, which I got for free. Highlights from today's trip include Remix, by Lawrence Lessig, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, by Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith, and Before the Dawn, by Nicolas Wade.
I'm looking forward to reading all of these, as well as the nine books I borrowed from the library today. This is how I intend to spend my break.
Now excuse me while I go into hiding, because I can't believe I got away with this. :fear: