Yay for reading!
Literacy is wonderful. I love reading. I spent most of this summer reading Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth series, fed to me by my coworker. So I went to the library for the first time this summer last week and got out the books you see in the stack on the right. Three of those books are the second or fifth book in a series, however, so I'll need to read the other books in those series before I can begin reading them. Naturally I made a list of books I wanted to get at the library. However, I forgot the list at home, and I ended up not needing it anyway, because I pretty much took home the New Books shelf, as I often do.
But first, The Pillars of the Earth! I bought that copy for my friend Carly for Christmas. She foolishly((Never mention to me that you have nothing to read or that you are planning to read book x but don't have it. Many a friend has realized the error of such statements in my presence.)) mentioned that she was intending to read The Pillars of the Earth, and she did indeed have a copy, although it was a tattered paperback. There's nothing wrong with cherished tattered paperbacks, but trade paperbacks are wubbly too. :wub: Now I'm finally ste--er, borrowing--this from her so I can read it.
The books in the stack below Pillars all came from Chapters. I love shopping at Chapters! Their shipping is amazingly fast. At first I was just ordering The Lies of Locke Lamora, Sundiver, and The Name of the Rose, because my local library does not have any of these. However, that was still under the $34 minimum needed for free shipping, and I figured the difference was small enough that adding an extra book would be a better value--so I bought Foucault's Pendulum as well. Another coworker has recommended Umberto Eco to me. We shall see!
I don't think I've mentioned Goodreads much yet--I linked to it once obscurely in my entry trumpeting the new site design, but otherwise it's just been sitting in my sidebar there. For those of you other bibliophiles out there, you can see what books I'm reading on the sidebar, and if you follow the link to my profile, you can learn what other books I've read or plan to read and even read reviews I've left on some. Goodreads is a fantastic site; I have a terrible memory, so being able to keep track of my books in this fashion is quite helpful. Plus, it lets me see what my friends are reading. I'll often see my friends reading something interesting and mark it as to-read for the future. It's a great way to get suggestions.