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Headshot of me with long hair, pink lip stick, light makeup Kara Babcock

Playing catch-up

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I fully intended to blog every day while I'm in Ohio. Unfortunately, it didn't work out that way. On Saturday, Lauren and I went to a one-year-old's birthday party for a family for whom she babysits. The party took a lot out of me (because I'm not a very sociable person), although the children were absolutely adorable. Afterward, we went to see Made of Honor. It was your typical romantic comedy: cute, pretty well done, solid. It's hard to be original with those. I enjoyed it. Unfortunately, I wasn't feeling too well by then, and I was far too tired to blog.

On Sunday, we went over to Lauren's mother's house for breakfast. We ended up just hanging out there all day, napping in front of the couch, which was fine with me, because I was tired and not feeling very well. I felt bad for coming down to visit Lauren and then getting sick. Ironically, our situations would be reversed two days later.

Monday was fun. Lauren took me to Easton, which is this town centre shopping mall type area. It reminds me of Victoriaville if Victoriaville were still classy and not rundown. There's a large indoor mall with lots of stores, then many stores in the area outside. I bought some souvenirs at a shop called the Global Gallery, which is a not-for-profit free trade shop. Then we went to a Gameworks arcade. Lauren trounced me a couple of times at DDR. We tied each other at table hockey. Then we played some skeeball. After the arcade, we had lunch at the California Pizza Kitchen, where we split an Italian sweet & spicy sausage pizza. It was yummy. ^_^ After that, I went to Build-a-Bear and built a teddybear as a souvenir (not saying for whom! :r). Someone kindly photographed Lauren and I in front of an indoor fountain. Lastly, Lauren and I walked around outdoors before heading back to her car and going back to her dad's for dinner (yummy fish).

Today I woke up with a fairly irritated eye. Luckily, Lauren's mom is a nurse and she had some eyedrops that have helped clear it up. It's still watery, but it isn't red anymore. Now Lauren isn't feeling well. :( The two of us, her brother, and her mom went bowling, and that was enjoyable. The States doesn't have 5-pin bowling, of course, so it was 10-pin. I hadn't played in almost a year, so I didn't do very well. Afterward we went for supper at Bob Evans, then we came home. We didn't do much today, but it was still tiring. Apparently tomorrow I'm going to the North Market with Lauren and her friend Nisha, who is in town for a respite and wants to catch up with Lauren (and meet me!).

I'll blog again soon, and even if I don't, I'll add some more photos.