Oh Internet, how I miss you so!
Although it's only been two days since we moved into the new house, and we had Internet by 1 PM on Friday, I still feel so disconnected. This really puts my online activities into perspective: I spend most of my waking hours online. If I'm at home, I'm basically online. I may be doing something else, either on the computer or something completely different, but I'm still online if people want to talk to me. For the past two days, however, we've been busy unpacking, cleaning, and organizing. I've spent so much of my "free" time offline that I feel disconnected. :D
So yes, I have no life. I don't want one, but it's good to know for sure. I miss you guys terribly. Yes, all of you, including the people who IM me for tech support (darn you) and the people who send me spam that tell me how to get free copies of products I don't want. And I guess I miss those of you who like to talk to me, poke me to do things, or tolerate me in general.
As soon as my offline activities return to some sort of "normal" operations, I will be back. Until then...blah. Too many cardboard boxes.