Another Day, Another Dollar, Another Win for the Bordercats
I biked to work today even though it wasn't the smartest thing to do, what with having a sunburn and no sunscreen. But it worked. So I worked for five hours, then biked home and relaxed until we went to another baseball game.
Everything started well. Cody Allen hit a home run in the second inning, much to the cheers of the crowd. Unfortunately as the game progressed Mankato snuck in a three-run homer to tie us 5-5. Several pitching changes and an infield game of musical chairs for Mankato to cover an injury slowed down the game in the last innings. It all came down to this: bottom of the ninth, one man on base, two outs, and Joey Lieberman up to bat. Would he make the cut?
Well, of course, he's Joey! At first it looks like he'll strike out, but suddenly the ball comes cleanly off his bat. Nothing fancy, just a deep hit to the outfield, enough that Marcus Jones can score from first base to win the game! :w00t: Now that's baseball.
Incidentally, I got a photo taken of Slugger and I. You can also check it out on my Flickr account. I decided to give Flickr a try--not sure if I'll stick with it or how much I'll use it, but we'll see. ^_^