VSNS Lemon 3.2.1 released
VSNS Lemon 3.2.1 is mostly a security update, but brings a few new features as well. You can download it from the VSNS Lemon website.
Changelog: * Security: Addition of mysql_real_escape_string() to validate user input * Security: Fixed cookie authentication bug * Enhancement: Title of article now appears in title bar * Enhancement: Ability to preview comment or article before finalising changes * Enhancement: Word filter for comments * Efficiency: RSS feed is generated only when articles are edited or created
With that last one, you need to make sure that you chmod your rss.xml file to 0777. If you don't do it, then you will get an error later on. Also, you should go edit an article after you upgrade so that you regenerate your RSS feed. Hopefully you won't run into any errors. :) If you find a bug, please report it in the Bugs forum, and if you need help, check out the Help forum.
Now I can go back to working on Vanilla Guestbook. :shifty: I'll add the word filter and preview features into it and see how it goes.
The changelog's neat dropdown doesn't work in Internet Explorer, but I'll fix it sometime. :D