The meaning of Christmas
I'm not talking about the religious significance, nor what Christmas represents. Nor am I talking about how retail outlets like to turn Christmas into a commercial venture and media circus. That's been done ad nauseum.
I'd like to point out that Christmas, however, is quite silly if you think about it. Let's take this "good will" and "Christmas cheer" idea. We're supposed to have extra good will toward people and be extra cheery, eh? Isn't that admitting that we weren't as good willed and cheery as we could have been the rest of the year? I maintain that it would be better to be happy and have good will toward people for one's entire life instead of one month of the year. Really.
And that's what I dislike about Western culture. Eastern cultures seem to have the right idea. They may seem a bit strict with some things, but they are like that because they constantly appreciate things all the time. Conversely, the West has this weird tendency to go on "binges" of celebrating when they indulge in appreciation of a subject to the excess for a few days/weeks instead of appreciating it year-round. It really underlines a fundamental flaw in this whole materialistic mode of thinking.
That's just my thoughts on Christmas (not the holiday, the season). It's silly to be extra cheery because one should be very cheery all year; it's silly to be extra kind because one should be very kind all year. I think that's a bit more realistic and probably better for our pysches than enforcing a week of happiness and good will each year during the most depressing season.