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Headshot of me with long hair, pink lip stick, light makeup Kara Babcock

Articles from April 2005

5 articles

← March 2005May 2005 →
  1. Of death and taxes


    I did my taxes for 2004 yesterday, first time ever doing so (with the help of my dad). Thanks to the Ontario Sales Tax Credit, I get a refund. This also didn't apply to me . . . I'm too young. The form wasn't that hard to fill out, because most of the form did not apply to me.

    That wasn't too helpful for my mathematics skills, which will be tested soon in a May…

  2. More Doctor Who gushing


    //Doctor Who is coming along quite nicely. Although I think the character personalities are still somewhat quirky, they are believable*. Tonight was the third episode, I still prefer the second because it was more space-orientated, but this episode was kind of cool.

    I've been feeling rather under the weather for the past few days, it's just a cold though. And I discovered a great new webcomic, Irregular Webcomic!. It's absolutely brilliant, I strongly advise…

  3. Student trustee interview


    Interesting day, overall. I had an interview for Student Trustee, which is essentially the student representative who goes to the Board Trustee meetings. It was . . . awkward. I learned that the questions included with the application were for preparation only, and that I wasn't actually supposed to fill them out. I'm understandably nervous about what sort of impression I made. Either way, I think I will be happy with the outcome: if I…

  4. MSN 7.0 review


    I woke up today, intent on changing my address from a Hotmail one to a Gmail one. I also found out that MSN 7.0 was out of beta, and Microsoft is heralding it as its "New Messenger." Although I did not download MSN 7 while it was in beta, now that it is the official version I think it is prudent to download it. I haven't explored half the features, but we'll see how they…

  5. Doctor Who?


    I watched the CBC's premiere of the BBC's new Doctor Who series last night. Sadly, I've never had the opportunity to see any of the previous series, but I do think this one is . . . okay. I haven't really seen a lot of British television before, so it was a little surprising. But overall I did like the storyline, if the episode itself wasn't that great. The teaser for next week…