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Headshot of me with long hair, pink lip stick, light makeup Kara Babcock

Articles Tagged with “Remembrance Day”

3 articles found

  1. Never forget


    Today in Canada, as well as in many other countries around the world, we celebrate the end of World War I and remember those soldiers who gave their lives serving their countries. In Canada, we wear a poppy to show our respect for those who have fallen; the Royal Canadian Legion makes them available in return for small donations. It is of course associated with the Remembrance Day poem "In Flanders Fields" by…

  2. We remember


    I remember a lot of things. It comes with having a brain whose neurology is more complex than the fastest supercomputer. It comes with having a mind that can look up into the stars and wonder why we're here. It comes with those little packs of Smarties you get at Hallowe'en.

    Today is Remembrance Day, so I figured I should post something about that before I continue my little existence on this small planet as…

  3. Moment of silence please


    Today we solemnly commemorate to those brave Canadian men and women who gave their lives for our country. This day, called Remembrance Day, serves to honour their memory and their sacrifices.