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Headshot of me with long hair, pink lip stick, light makeup Kara Babcock

Articles Tagged with “economy”

4 articles found

  1. I take it back


    Once upon a time, I expressed a desire to live in Iceland. Unfortunately, these tough economic times have been even tougher on Iceland, what with the government collapsing and all.

    Our government came close to dissolving. It looks like that won't happen, however, now that the Liberal party has a new leader who's decided he'll support the Conservative budget. Many people are upset with this about-face by Michael Ignatieff.((Especially Jack Layton: "Blast! My evil…

  2. Green is the new black


    What's with this sudden obsession about going green?

    I'm not talking about environmentalism either. I'm talking about the new trend to infuse green tea into every possible drink. The Lipton green iced tea I understand (and enjoy). But Canada Dry green tea ginger ale?! Quoi? :huh: And all those specialty brands, like that Arizona chilled green tea (which I think tastes horrible)... it just seems like someone's been planning this, as if there is…

  3. The Visa credit card company is always trying to give us free stuff. Think about it: "win what you buy"? That grocery contest? We all know that there ain't no such thing as a free lunch. The glorious capitalist system was founded on such a principle. So if Visa is giving away things for free, then they are violating the very foundation of free-market economy.

    Is Visa in league with the terrorists? It wouldn't…