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Headshot of me with long hair, pink lip stick, light makeup Kara Babcock

Articles from September 2020

2 articles

← August 2020October 2020 →
  1. Cover image for An embarrassment of love

    An embarrassment of love


    Today I am 31. I have been wished well and received gifts. I have also taken some moments to myself to meditate on the year behind me and the year ahead. Oh, and I cleaned my bathroom and did laundry, because Sunday chores don’t stop just because it’s your birthday.

    Last year I shared a “supercut” of my life in the form of photos I could find from my various eras. I talked a lot…

  2. Cover image for When I look in the mirror

    When I look in the mirror


    For the last 6 years of my career, I have worn the same outfit to work every day. I’m not exaggerating: I had 5 pairs of trousers, each a different colour; along with 3 styles of pullover sweaters in a few colours. And I hated this outfit, to the point where I—somewhat ironically, in hindsight—referred to it as my teacher drag. The moment I came home from work, I would change out of it…