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Headshot of me with long hair, pink lip stick, light makeup Kara Babcock

Articles from August 2020

3 articles

← July 2020September 2020 →
  1. Cover image for Cherish



    My hair is taking its sweet time growing longer. (Other things are growing too, but I’m not going to talk about those here!) And, you know, I’m ok with my hair taking its time. It would be unsettling to wake up one day and suddenly find myself with long, flowing locks.

    (Content warning in this post for gender dysphoria and body dysmorphia discussion.)

    We don’t talk enough about our bodies. Or rather, we talk a

  2. Cover image for Announcing Kara.Reviews

    Announcing Kara.Reviews


    Most of you know I post book reviews on Goodreads. But did you know I’ve been doing this for 12 years, for every book I’ve read, amounting to over 1600 reviews?

    If I sound like I’m bragging, I am, because that’s the point of this post: I write book reviews; I write a lot of book reviews; and I’m good at it. So prolific and so good at it that today I’m launching a…

  3. Cover image for What's in a name?

    What's in a name?


    About a month after coming out, I wrote a post about why I chose the name Kara. Today I am excited and happy to announce that, courtesy of the Government of Ontario, my name is now legally Kara Doreen Rose Babcock.

    My middle names, Doreen and Rose, are the names of my maternal and paternal grandmothers, respectively. Choosing middle names was much more difficult than choosing my first name! I briefly considered no middle…