Getting back in the game
I don't make New Year's resolutions, but if I did, one of them would be to blog more often. I fell out of the habit last year because I was so focused on finishing my new blog platform. Now that I'm using it, I really don't have any excuse. Look how many posts I've squeezed into January! February should hopefully be even better.
Aside from the rash of depressing celebrity deaths, this month has been a good start to the year. My move to a VPS went well. My work continues to be fulfilling and interesting. However, I haven't been reading as much as I should be. Last January I read 11 books, and this year I've only read 7. I know, I know, that's more than some people read in a year, and I'm not trying to be all hurr hurr, I reads all the books! But I set an extremely ambitious goal of 160 books this year, and this is not a great start! I don't have a trick or a special talent that lets me read so many books a year—it's just that I spend a lot of my free time reading. And when I don't, like I didn't this month, I slow down; my reading amount goes from "ridiculous" to merely "above average."
The tech stuff was one reason I haven't read as much. Also, I re-read Lullabies for Little Criminals, because I'm teaching it to my Grade 12 English class of adult Aboriginal learners. So I lingered on that novel for longer than I might otherwise, because I need to pay close attention to it. I've updated my Goodreads review with my new thoughts.
With February upon us, I'm going to get back in the game though. Yes, it's a short month, but let's see if I can't get my reading back on track. Oh, and I finally got around to making my top 10 best books read in 2015 and worst books read in 2015! Please check those out, and let me know what you book(s) you loved, or hated, that you read last year.