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Headshot of me with long hair, pink lip stick, light makeup Kara Babcock

Articles from January 2014

3 articles

← December 2013March 2014 →
  1. First completed pair of socks!


    My first knitted pair of socks

    For over a year now, I have been knitting a pair of socks.

    I chose a sock, cuff-first, as my first foray into circular knitting. The circular knitting itself was not difficult to master. Socks themselves, though, have all sorts of … components that require careful attention to detail. This one had a pattern for the cuff, then another four-row pattern for the leg/top of the foot, and different patterns entirely for the heel flap…

  2. My winter travel adventure


    Oddly enough, transatlantic travel has started to become somewhat ordinary for me. The first time it was new and exotic and somewhat terrifying. The second time it was a relief (to be going home, particularly because I hate travelling). The third time, with a different airline, was another adventure. But now, having done it a few more times and developed a routine for getting to and from the various airports, it is starting to feel…

  3. Top 10 best books of 2013


    Those of you who follow me on Twitter or Facebook have probably heard the story of my epic journey to return to England. I’ll record it for posterity in a later blog post, when I have the time.

    For now, I simply wanted to note that I’ve published my annual list of best books I read in 2013.

    For the first time since I started making these lists, I’m not doing a companion “worst…