Scruffy's on break
I'm finished all my exams. Classes are done. Aside from work and the inevitable demands of Christmas, I am on break until January 7. ^_^ Let the relaxation begin. Or at least, that's what I'd like to do.
I've got tons of stuff I want to work on, however. I have several website-related projects, one of which is particularly dear to me. I've been working on it since about September; I don't know how it will pan out yet, but I really hope it goes well. It's just a huge task, since I'm doing everything from scratch. I haven't forgotten about VSNS Lemon 4 either! The trouble is, I don't want to release it until I upgrade this blog--and I don't want to upgrade this blog until I have redone everything for PHP 5. That means a new design, and therein lies the crux of the problem. Design has never been my forte. I can execute designs, but creating them ... mmm, not so much.
In non-computer related tasks, I have plenty of writing I want to do--not so much inspiration.
I'll manage. First I need to be lazy and have a well-deserved break. Then I'll tackle some of these things. :D