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Headshot of me with long hair, pink lip stick, light makeup Kara Babcock


Last night was the Canadian premiere of Battlestar Galactica, season 3. It was fantastic as television episodes go, but only okay by BSG standards--it was no "Kobol's Last Gleaming". The main problem was not enough action, too much talk--they had to spend too much time explaining what had happened during the four months that elapsed over the summer. It was too rough of a transition into the BSG universe for me. That said, I did enjoy it and I'm sure that the season will pick up as we see more episodes.

Air Farce is still no longer funny, but luckily both This Hour Has 22 Minutes and The Rick Mercer Report are carrying on the tradition of Canadian political satire. :) I've also been watching The Colbert Report lately. And tomorrow The Hour starts again, so I can actually catch up with the real news! :w00t: Doctor Who starts tomorrow as well, but unfortunately it conflicts with Stargate Atlantis. :'( Why?! Why must you do this to me?!

Drama class is putting on a play; we're doing 7 Stories, by Morris Panych, and I got cast as the lead role of "the Man", who is a jumper. That's right: I spend the entire play on a window ledge (on the seventh storey) trying to decide whether or not to jump while zany characters interrupt me. I have a lot of lines to memorise. But it's a fun play.

And the epic novel writing continues, as much as it can. I really want to finish this second draft. I need a title. Blah. That's what I feel. Very blah. I've been tired so far this weekend, and I really should relax, since it's Thanksgiving and all. Happy Thanksgiving! Oooh . . . turkey. Mom's turkey. :drool: There's no excuse to eat like turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie. Can't blog now. Must . . . eat . . . delicious . . . food.