iHave iPod
It's true, Apple has sucked me into the world of bottled music. :o
While I enjoy my job at the gallery far too much for my own good, I do bike to and from work 40 minutes a day, five days a week. For the past week or so I've been toying with the idea of getting some sort of portable music player to help relieve the monotony of such rides. I wasn't sure if I wanted to get one, however, because I was concerned that I wouldn't use it much and that it would distract me from hearing traffic.
Today I went shopping, though. I decided that it would be worth a purchase, since I spend most of the journey on sparsely-populated bike trails anyway, and can simply turn it off or pause it for the parts where I must traverse roads. I didn't have my heart set on any one type of player; I was keeping my eyes open for which ones were the best deals.
Although I found a relatively cheaply priced MP3 player from The Source, I decided to go with the slightly pricier iPod nano from CompuSmart, largely because I prefer CompuSmart to The Source when it comes to vendor. :yes: I went for their warranty too, so at the end of the day I paid a bit more than I had expected, but that's okay. I'm working throughout the summer, so I'll earn it back and then some.
'Tis shiny and black and nice.
On another note, when I got home from the excursion I discovered that Firefox had decided to delete all the preferences of my extensions. This was rather inconvenient, because even though I could restore my bookmarks, the extensions took a bit longer. Luckily I don't have that many. I had to restore my Greasemonkey user scripts and redo my ChatZilla preferences. :(