Happy Hallowe'en!
I had a pretty good Hallowe'en. After work, I went over to a friend's house for a party and had a really good time. I caught the tail end of Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail, saw Shaun of the Dead, and then we watched the beginning to Monty Python's Life of Brian twice (because two friend came in late, so we restarted that movie, but then everyone had to leave at 9).
Ever notice out many funny people are either British or their last name is Adams (or both)? :D Not all, of course, but just many. I love Monty Python :wub: so much that if ever I make a movie, it shall be a British comedy only slightly less funnier than Monty Python.
This entire week seems like it will be very hectic and rushed for time. :wacko: I certainly feel that way. I suppose that part of it is due to the fact that teachers are preparing for midterm marks that are coming next week. Hallowe'en, of course, had a bit of pressure with it, and having it on a Monday amplified that impact. :yawn:
Brought my computer to school today, along with a note saying that the school or my drama teacher wasn't responsibile if it got lost or stolen. The bag fits in my locker, so thankfully I did not have to lug it around to every class. I used it in drama to write up our script for "Sleeping Beauty," since I type faster and more neatly than I write. We're almost done the script; it is turning out well and I like working with my group. Oh, and we had a fire drill during drama too.
I need to write more on my novel . . . -_-
And I got The Plague today, but the first half of the first page was ripped, so I couldn't read it; I will not skip that part. I think tomorrow I'll borrow a copy from a kid who isn't reading it and just read that paragraph, if the teacher can't find me another copy.
And I've speculated on the absolute minimum work I must do in biology to maintain my grade (99%, I believe). It's not so much work as homework, because she doesn't check it. She gives us stamps for some assignment, but there is a very loose time limit. I by no means intend to slack off, but I am not as motivated as I should be. I do like biology, however. It is probably my most challenging class this semester.
Oh! And I read Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I borrowed it from a friend because I haven't been to the library yet to grab any new books. This entry's already quite long, however, so I'll talk about my take on it tomorrow or something. Until then, have a nice night.